What is artificial intelligence ?

Artificial Intelligence 

What is Artificial intelligence ?

            Artificial intelligence is the most exciting thing that happened in the last century, they defined this field as the field which may take the humanity to another level of science and reach another level of success. 
        The artificial intelligence as its name mention, is an intelligence but is not linked to human, rather is related to machines (surely the first time is made by humans) , if we can build machines that can do what we are doing in our daily tasks, so we can say that we have applied the artificial intelligence in our life. 
        the first time when someone hear the term artificial intelligence think of robots because usually robots are the most thing used in films and novels to show the power of artificial intelligence. By artificial intelligence we mean the process by which machine could mimic the human activities and do the different tasks.

        This famous field of science, the first time was discovered by Alan Turing as machine learning. In 1950, Alan Turing published a landmark paper about the possibility of creating machine that think and boom, the most trending field which is applied in almost field of  science was born.
" Can machines think? Alan Turing, 1950s "
            In his famous paper ''Computation Machinery and intelligence'', he introduced the Turing test, which presented as an imitation game between human and machine in which an evaluator stand as a controller of the speech provided by the participants as text only (one of them is a machine ) and try to distinguish the machine from humans,  if the evaluator can't distinguish in between then we said that machine have passed the test. This was the an important concept in artificial intelligence philosophy which has a high influence and widely criticized.

Fields where AI was applied ?
        The artificial intelligence is used in several domains which need doing tasks without human intervention or because these tasks are so hard to do by human being,so we need the help of machines, and we can see this case in big machines used in excavation or building or for example in the sea where we use boats to transport merchandise or like airplanes in the sky, however these machines are not thinking at all, are just programmed to do somethings. Some examples of these fields are presented in the next picture.
Applications of Artificial intelligence

        In Artificial intelligence we often hearing scientists talking about machine learning and deep learning, so what's this two terms mean exactly to artificial intelligence ?
          By machine learning, we can understand that machine would learn something, that's good, because machine learning means giving the machine the ability to understand phenomena and to adapt each time the phenomenon by getting some new inputs, simply machine learning is the algorithms used in artificial intelligence such as Random forest, k means , lightGBM, Cat-boosting, SVM, linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks and so on.
           Okay Mr, but what about deep learning? they crushed our heads with this term..., okay don't be nervous, i will tell you exactly what it means. By deep learning, scientist mean another type of neural networks which is deeper than the normal neural networks used in machine learning (deeper means more layers of neurons are used to get best results ).   
To be continued...
I'm very happy for you my dearest reader for reaching this point, Thanks a lot.

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